Thieves Rob Rock Band Truck


Robbers stole $170,000-worth of Rock and roll Band boxes from a truck in Los Angeles.

The Los Angeles Times ascertained that a truck carrying a load of 1,000 Rock Band boxes was hijacked aside a team of thieves over the past weekend. Later loading the stake packages into his fomite at the local distributor near Long Beach, two Latino men in a Shirley Temple Black truck pulled ahead beside A&N Truck Lines driver Nirmal Singh's motortruck and motioned for him to wrench off the Pomona State highway. The robbers then held him at gunpoint, blindfolded him, placed him in the rear of the truck and drove for an hour to a drop-off point where the goods were dud. Singh was free at Riverside and given precise orders to allow the thieves to escape.

Although there are no suspects, the police conceive it was an inside job, as the thieves were able to locate the inconspicuous truck and steal of import goods. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department has surrendered the case to the Lading CAT team that is devoted to crimes involving transported goods. If base, the guilty persons could face up to quartet years in prison.

This incident is ace among many game-accompanying robberies during this holiday season. Sargent Rod Johnson same, "Game consoles, flat-screen TVs, computers are especially sought after. They'Re easily to move and they're high-one dollar bill."

Electronic Arts voice Bryce Baer said, "We'Re gladiolus no one got hurt. We hope these guys end up forming a rock set in jail."


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